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92% of Successful EAP Programs are Taking 5 New Tactics This Year. Is Yours One of Them?

In the past, I revealed five effective ways to increase sign-ups and participation in your Employee Wellness Program.

This month, you’ll learn how to move beyond the initial sign-up, and ensure that interest and participation in your program only grow stronger with time. After all, it’s much easier to keep the current Wellness Program members you already have than it is to recruit new members.

Offering “one and done” upfront incentives is not enough to retain your membership long-term. Instead, it’s crucial to continually find fresh, relevant incentives to keep participation levels high and engagement consistent over time.

Here are five effective ways to turn your new wellness recruits into long-term super fans of your Wellness Program in 2020:

1. Get hyper-specific with your engagement

Last time we identified your target market and discussed ways to engage with them through your program offerings. Now it’s time to dig deeper and capitalize on your employee’s specific interests. 

Take Millennials, for example. A recent study conducted by Keas Millennial Workforce revealed that this demographic:

  • Is more interested in the quantified self-movement than any other age group (46%)
  • Is 54% more likely to buy a body-analyzing device than any other demographic 
  • Currently uses apps and smart devices to maintain health and wellness and to lose weight
  • Frequently tracks water intake and sleep cycles using technology  

Armed with information like this, you’ll be able to create and offer wellness programs that specifically relate to your employee’s interests and needs in a way that moves beyond face value. 

Don’t just research employee demographics. Look at behavior and psychology to find and serve specific needs on an ongoing basis.

2. Think like an employee

An employee doesn’t think of themselves as a demographic or a statistic. As your Wellness Program’s chief recruiter, it’s your job to think like an employee and answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” 

When you think like an individual employee, you can immediately see which aspects of your program are most relevant to that employee. 

This step takes you beyond the needs of specific employee groups and allows you to access the needs and wants of individual employees. In thinking of the needs of individuals, are you confident your program offerings are relevant to them? If not, it’s time to take another look at what your employees genuinely want.

3. Budget for the long haul

Your proposed budget has a direct impact on employee participation. Employees need to know that the company is vested in them and that the program is sustainable. 

An exciting one-time event might be fun, but your goal is long-term participation. Make a list of line items and resources needed to sustain the program long-term. If your company is willing to invest in its employees, your employees will be willing to invest in the program.

4. Be Demanding

If your employees aren’t required to invest in your program upfront, engagement and participation will be adversely affected because the employee will not have an emotional investment with the program.

Make sure they have some skin in the game by requiring payment upfront. Employees are far more likely to participate if neglecting to do so means wasting money they’ve already spent.

5. Reward consistency

The final key to growing a sustainable wellness program is to promote and reward consistent participation among members. 

Do case studies and profile employees who are successfully using the program. Continue to market the program as a useful and fun affirmation of company culture, and reward participation by holding contests and championing those who are consistently involved.

Getting employees to sign up for your wellness program is only half the battle. The key to lasting success is consistency on all fronts: dig deep to find relevant offerings for your employees, continue to engage them after sign-up, require an investment of time and money, and reward participation in fun, creative ways.

Do you want to create a customized wellness program that brings long-term results in 2020 for your organization? Let us support you. Please contact Fran at or browse the rest of our site for more information.