How to Scale Your Business in 2024
Here are 8 key steps the top CEOs in the world have used to scale the team and grow the business! Once these are in place, you will experience your business working for YOU, not the other way around. If amplifying your brand is something you are passionate about achieving, you have to join the WellTeamCulture VIP Cohort this January! We will support you in each of these steps, and so much more!
Eight Key Steps
- Understand that as long as you are doing everything yourself, your business potential will always be limited. There is only so much one person can accomplish in a given day. Surround yourself with a capable team that you trust to execute your vision and get your freedom back!
- Identify your company needs and your tribe who will make this happen. Consider these 4 divisions: Revenue Streams, Traffic, Sales, Operations. Now outline benchmarks and design specific roles that showcase what a “win” looks like. This will ensure you have the right people in the right places on your team, and that their contributions to the company are clearly defined.
- Recruit the right talent based on your identifications above. Know what skills, education, and experience are needed to “win” in each role. Discover what superpowers are currently lacking within your team and look for those qualities in your new candidates. Referrals from current superstars on your team can be very beneficial, so make sure your team is in tune with the current personnel gaps that you are trying to fill. Lastly, be sure to hire a good fit for your culture. Find out what’s important to them, their lifestyle habits, etc. to ensure it’s a good match all around.
- Take your time when hiring, not when firing! Underperformers are not just hindering you from making more money, they are actually costing you time, money and energy. Your goal should be for each team member to drive 3-10x their salary to the business.
- Align your team with your company’s mission, vision, and purpose. Inspire your team to take ownership of their contribution to the company’s success! And above all, make sure that there is synergy between everyone’s values. This makes for a much more fun, super-charged experience for your team, and allows you to focus working ON your business, not IN it.
- Empower your team to collaborate and WIN!!! Resist the urge to micro-manage; instead be sure you have outlined clear metrics and communication of how they can win in their role. Provide your feedback and encourage your team to make it happen!
- Cultivate your culture with a sense of purpose and belonging. Typically you are working about 60-70% of your day, 5 days a week. Having workflows and processes in place that organically encourage health management and promote wellness will make your company a desirable place to work, giving you a competitive advantage for attracting and retaining top talent.
Workplace Wellness & Resilience Expert Fran Dean-Bishop has created WellTeamCulture, a program designed to help business leaders just like you create a thriving, sustainable work culture that promotes employee wellness and development as well as revenue optimization. As a gift to our community, we’ve curated a complimentary 5-part VIP Live Masterclass Experience so be sure to tune in live with us to receive your special VIP perks!